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Your New Online Impact

Be Found In Search

Your Business Name

This is a demo single page. It’s called the Express Impact Page. You can get online with a web page like this for $300 – all included (providing you already have a domain name). You can expand it whenever you like to incorporate more pages, a shop, CRM systems, you name it. What a great way to get started.

Three Column Info

Tell the world a little about what you do, why you’re different and what they can expect from engaging your services, or using your products. You can add as much text here as you like. the page just lengthens to accommmodate. You should take care to include terms about your service area location and key search words and phrases that describe your business and industry.

Your History

You might use this section to talk about the birthing process of your ideas and how that process informed the way you do business or develop products. This story helps people to understand your passion for what you do and give them some conaxt of your experience in your field.

Your Team

You might use this section to introduce the people who work for you or with you and their various strengths, qualifications and achievements. You could include links to associated resources within your network or information about upcoming events where your clientele can interface with your team. Again, there’s no limit to how much text you can add here.

Your Service Area

Contact Information.

Let people know how they can contact you. List your shop address, your business phone, and the hours within which they can all you.

Don’t display your email address – unless you want the spam harvesters to grab it. Instead we use the email enquiry form shown here. Also notice the social media icons in the footer.

All this gives you a great start to your internet marketing for such a small price. You can even pay it on a monthly payment plan if you like.

Email us using this form, or via our Contact Us page, and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss the next steps or call Brent on (click to call on phones)

Email Us

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